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Showing 101 - 121 out of 343 Publications

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Title Author          Published Date Type JLAB #  
Electron beam irradiation of 1,4 dioxane Xi Li, Shaoheng Wang, Helmut Baumgart, Gianluigi Ciovati, Fay Hannon and Others Nov 2021 Meeting JLAB-ACC-21-3543 (view)
ELECTRON COOLING USING A PULSED AND DITHERING BEAM FROM AN ELECTROSTATIC ELECTRON COOLER Haipeng Wang, Max Bruker, Steve Benson, Andrew Hutton, Kevin Jordan and Others Nov 2021 Meeting JLAB-ACC-21-3550 (view)
Electron-beam energy reconstruction for neutrino oscillation measurements Mariana Khachatryan, Afroditi Papadopoulou, A. Ashkenazi, Florian Hauenstein, Lawrence Weinstein and Others Nov 2021 Journal Article JLAB-PHY-21-3457 (view)
Electron-Ion Collider impact study on the tensor charge of the nucleon Leonard Gamberg, Z. Kang, Daniel Pitonyak, Alexei Prokudin, N. Sato and Others May 2021 Journal Article JLAB-THY-21-3310 (view)
Electron-Ion Collider Status Andrei Seryi Jan 2021 Meeting JLAB-ACC-21-3544 (view)
Electrostatic Design and Characterization of a 200 keV Photogun and Wien Spin Rotator Gabriel Palacios-Serrano May 2021 Thesis JLAB-ACC-21-3467 (view)
Electroweak axial structure functions and improved extraction of the $V_{ud}$ CKM matrix element Kyle Shiells, Peter Blunden and Wolodymyr Melnitchouk Aug 2021 Journal Article JLAB-THY-20-3289 (view)
Estimates of Damped Energy Spread and Emittance in a Two Energy Storage Ring Cooler B. Dhital, Y. Derbenev, D. Douglas, G. Krafft, F. Lin and Others Aug 2021 Meeting JLAB-ACC-21-3614 (view)
Estimates of Damped Equilibrium Emittance and Energy Spread in a Dual Energy Storage Ring Bhawin Dhital, Yaroslav Derbenev, David Douglas, Andrew Hutton, Geoffrey Krafft and Others Aug 2021 Meeting JLAB-ACP-21-3370 (view)
Evaluation of Anisotropic Magnetoresistive (AMR) Sensors for a Magnetic Field Scanning System for SRF Cavities Ishwari Parajuli, Gianluigi Ciovati, Jean Delayen and Alexander Gurevich Aug 2021 Meeting JLAB-ACC-21-3499 (view)
Evidence of increased radio-frequency losses in CEBAF cavities from the fundamental power coupler cold window Frank Marhauser and Gianluigi Ciovati Sep 2021 Journal Article JLAB-ACC-21-3480 (view)
Excited J -- Resonances in Meson-Meson Scattering from Lattice QCD Christopher Johnson Aug 2021 Thesis JLAB-THY-21-3545 (view)
Excited J-- meson resonances at the SU(3) flavor point from lattice QCD Jozef Dudek and Christopher Johnson Apr 2021 Journal Article JLAB-THY-20-3291 (view)
Exotic to standard bottomonium transitions Jaume Tarrus Castella and Emilie Passemar Aug 2021 Journal Article JLAB-THY-21-3349 (view)
Experimental Investigation and Monte Carlo Simulation of Quasielastic Electron Scattering From Helium-3 Clusters in Helium-4 Walaa Alahmade May 2021 Thesis JLAB-PHY-21-3607 (view)
Exploration of Spin Tune Modes in the EIC Electron Storage Ring Fanglei Lin, Vasiliy Morozov, Amy Sy, Vadim Ptitsyn, H. Witte and Others May 2021 Meeting (view)
Exploring J/psi Production Mechanism at the Future Electron-Ion Collider Jianwei Qiu, Xiang-Peng Wang and Hongxi Xing May 2021 Journal Article JLAB-THY-21-3466 (view)
Exploring QCD Factorization at Moderate Energy Scales Eric Moffat May 2021 Thesis JLAB-THY-21-3404 (view)
Exploring the 3D nucleon structure with CLAS and CLAS12 at JLAB Stefan Diehl May 2021 Meeting JLAB-PHY-21-3614 (view)
Extending nuclear PDF analyses into the high-x, low-Q2 region Efrain Segarra, Jezo Tomas, Alberto Accardi, P. Duwentaster, Or Chen and Others Jun 2021 Journal Article JLAB-THY-20-3303 (view)

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