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Title Two Wien Filter Spin Flipper
Authors Joseph Grames, Philip Adderley, Jay Benesch, James Clark, John Hansknecht, Reza Kazimi, Danny Machie, Bernard Poelker, Marcy Stutzman, Riad Suleiman, Yuhong Zhang
JLAB number JLAB-ACC-11-1377
LANL number (None)
Other number DOE/OR/23177-1608
Document Type(s) (Meeting) 
Associated with EIC: No
Supported by Jefferson Lab LDRD Funding: No

Poster compiled for PAC 2011

Proceedings of PAC 2011
Edited By
Jacow (2011)
Page(s) 862-864
Publication Abstract: A new 4pi spin ma­nip­u­la­tor com­posed of two Wien fil­ters ori­ent­ed or­thog­o­nal­ly and sep­a­rat­ed by two solenoids has been in­stalled at the CEBAF/Jef­fer­son Lab pho­toin­jec­tor. The new spin ma­nip­u­la­tor is used to pre­cise­ly set the elec­tron spin di­rec­tion at an ex­per­i­ment in any di­rec­tion (in or out of plane of the ac­cel­er­a­tor) and pro­vides the means to re­verse, or flip, the he­lic­i­ty of the elec­tron beam on a daily basis. This re­ver­sal is being em­ployed to sup­press sys­tem­at­ic false asym­me­tries that can jeop­ar­dize chal­leng­ing par­i­ty vi­o­la­tion ex­per­i­ments that strive to mea­sure in­creas­ing­ly small physics asym­me­tries [*,**,***]. The spin ma­nip­u­la­tor is part of the ul­tra-high vac­u­um po­lar­ized elec­tron source beam line and has been suc­cess­ful­ly op­er­at­ed with 100keV and 130keV elec­tron beam at high cur­rent (>100 mi­croAmps). A unique fea­ture of the de­vice is that spin-flip­ping re­quires only the po­lar­i­ty of one solenoid mag­net be changed. Per­for­mance char­ac­ter­is­tics of the Two Wien Fil­ter Spin Flip­per will be sum­ma­rized.
Experiment Numbers: other
Group: Ctr for Injectors&Sources
Document: pdf
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