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Title Observation of the Helium 7 Lambda hypernucleus by the (e,e'K+) reaction
Abstract An experiment with a newly developed high-resolution kaon spectrometer (HKS) and a scattered electron spectrometer with a novel configuration was performed in Hall C at Jefferson Lab (JLab). The ground state of a neutron-rich hypernucleus, He 7 Lambda, was observed for the first time with the (e,e'K+) reaction with an energy resolution of ~0.6 MeV. This resolution is the best reported to date for hypernuclear reaction spectroscopy. The he 7 Lambda binding energy supplies the last missing information of the A=7, T=1 hypernuclear iso-triplet, providing a new input for the charge symmetry breaking (CSB) effect of \Lambda N potential.
Author(s) Satoshi Nakamura, Akihiko Matsumura, Yuichi Okayasu, Tomislav Seva, Victor Rodriguez, Pavlo Baturin, Lulin Yuan, Armando Acha Quimper, Abdellah Ahmidouch, Darko Androic, Arshak Asaturyan, Razmik Asaturyan, Oliver Baker, Fatiha Benmokhtar, Werner Boeglin, Peter Bosted, Roger Carlini, Chunhua Chen, Eric Christy, Leon Cole, Sam Danagoulian, Aji Daniel, Vipuli Dharmawardane, Kim Egiyan, Mostafa Elaasar, Rolf Ent, Howard Fenker, Yu Fujii, Miroslav Furic, Liping Gan, Dave Gaskell, Ashot Gasparian, Edward Gibson, Toshiyuki Gogami, Paul Gueye, Yuncheng Han Han, Osamu Hashimoto, E. Hiyama, D. Honda, Tanja Horn, Bitao Hu, Ed Hungerford, Chandana Jayalath, Mark Kevin Jones, Kathleen Johnston, Narbe Kalantarians, Hiroki Kanda, M. Kaneta, Seigo Kato, Shigeki Kato, Daisuke Kawama, Cynthia (Thia) Keppel, Laird Kramer, Allan Lan, Wei Luo, Dave Mack, Kazushige Maeda, Simona Malace, Amur Margaryan, Gagik Marikyan, Pete Markowitz, Tomofumi Maruta, Nayuta Maruyama, Toshinobu Miyoshi, Arthur Mkrtchyan, Hamlet Mkrtchyan, Sho Nagao, Tigran Navasardyan, Gabriel Niculescu, Maria Niculescu, Hiroshi Nomura, Kenichi Nonaka, Atsushi Ohtani, Masamichi Oyamada, Naipy Perez, Tomislav Petkovic, Sharmalee Randeniya, Brian Raue, Joerg Reinhold, Roberto Rivera Castillo, Julie Roche, Yoshinori Sato, Edwin Segbefia, Neven Simicevic, Greg Smith, Yushou Song, Mizuki Sumihama, Vardan Tadevosyan, Liguang Tang, Kyo Tsukada, Vladas Tvaskis, William Vulcan, Steven Wells, Stephen Wood, Chen Yan, Simon Zhamkochyan
Publication Date January 2013
Document Type Journal Article
Primary Institution Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Newport News
Affiliation Exp Nuclear Physics / Experimental Halls / Hall C
Funding Source
Proprietary? No
This publication conveys Technical Science Results
Document Numbers
JLAB Number: JLAB-PHY-12-1598 OSTI Number: 1058990
LANL Number: arXiv:1207.0571 Other Number: DOE/OR/23177-2212
Associated with an experiment Yes
Experiment Number(s)
Associated with EIC No
Supported by Jefferson Lab LDRD Funding No
Journal Article
Journal Name Physical Review Letters
Refereed Yes
Volume 110
Issue 01
Page(s) 012502 (5 pages)
Attachments/Datasets/DOI Link
1207.0571v1.pdf (STI Document)
DOI Link
Dataset(s) (none)
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