STI Publications - View Publication #12084

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Title First Measurement of the Neutral Current Excitation of the Delta Resonance on a Proton Target
Abstract The parity-violating asymmetry arising from inelastic electron-nucleon scattering at backward angle (~95 degrees) near the Delta(1232) resonance has been measured using a hydrogen target. From this asymmetry, we extracted the axial transition form factor G^A_{N\Delta}, a function of the axial Adler form factors C^A_i. Though G^A_{N\Delta} has been previously studied using charged current reactions, this is the first measurement of the weak neutral current excitation of the Delta using a proton target. For Q^2 = 0.34 (GeV/c)^2 and W = 1.18 GeV, the asymmetry was measured to be -33.4 \pm (5.3)_{stat} \pm (5.1)_{sys} ppm. The value of G^A_{N\Delta} determined from the hydrogen asymmetry was -0.05 \pm (0.35)_{stat} \pm (0.34)_{sys} \pm (0.06)_{theory}. These findings agree within errors with theoretical predictions for both the total asymmetry and the form factor. In addition to the hydrogen measurement, the asymmetry was measured at the same kinematics using a deuterium target. The asymme
Author(s) Carissa Capuano, Darko Androic, Dave Armstrong, Jacques Arvieux, Stephanie Bailey, Doug Beck, Elizabeth Beise, Jay Benesch, Fatiha Benmokhtar, Louis Bimbot, James Birchall, Peter Bosted, Herbert Breuer, Yu-Chiu Chao, Alexandre Coppens, Charles Davis, Colleen Ellis, Gilberto Flores, Gregg Franklin, Christophe Furget, Dave Gaskell, Joe Grames, Michael Gericke, Goulven Guillard, John Hansknecht, Tanja Horn, Mark Kevin Jones, Paul King, Wolfgang Korsch, Serge Kox, Larry Lee, Jianglai Liu, Allison Lung, Juliette Mammei, Jeff Martin, Bob McKeown, Anna Micherdzinska, Miha Mihovilovic, Hamlet Mkrtchyan, Mathew Muether, Shelley Page, Vassili Papavassiliou, Stephen Pate, Sarah Phillips, P. Pillot, Mark Pitt, Matthew Poelker, Brian Quinn, Des Ramsay, Jean-Sebastien Real, Julie Roche, Philip Roos, John Schaub, Tomislav Seva, Neven Simicevic, Greg Smith, Damon Spayde, Marcy Stutzman, Riad Suleiman, Vardan Tadevosyan, Willem Van Oers, Maud Versteegen, Eric Voutier, William Vulcan, Steven Wells, Steven Williamson, Stephen Wood
Publication Date December 2012
Document Type Journal Article
Primary Institution Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Newport News
Affiliation Exp Nuclear Physics / Experimental Halls / Hall C
Funding Source
Proprietary? No
This publication conveys Technical Science Results
Document Numbers
JLAB Number: JLAB-PHY-12-1679 OSTI Number:
LANL Number: arXiv:1212.1637 Other Number: DOE/OR/23177-2488
Associated with an experiment No
Associated with EIC No
Supported by Jefferson Lab LDRD Funding No
Journal Article
Journal Name arXiv
Refereed No
Attachments/Datasets/DOI Link
JLAB-PHY-12-1679.pdf (STI Document)
Dataset(s) (none)
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