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Title Measurement of Parity-Violating Asymmetry in Electron-Deuteron Inelastic Scattering
Abstract The parity-violating asymmetries between a longitudinally-polarized electron beam and an unpolarized deuterium target have been measured recently. The measurement covered two kinematic points in the deep inelastic scattering region and five in the nucleon resonance region. We provide here details of the experimental setup, data analysis, and results on all asymmetry measurements including parity-violating electron asymmetries and those of inclusive pion production and beam-normal asymmetries. The parity-violating deep-inelastic asymmetries were used to extract the electron-quark weak effective couplings, and the resonance asymmetries provided the first evidence for quark-hadron duality in electroweak observables. These electron asymmetries and their interpretation were published earlier, but are presented here in more detail.
Author(s) Diancheng Wang, Kai Pan, Ramesh Subedi, Zafar Ahmed, Kalyan Allada, Konrad Aniol, Dave Armstrong, John Arrington, Vincenzo Bellini, Rakitha Beminiwattha, Jay Benesch, Fatiha Benmokhtar, William Bertozzi, Alexandre Camsonne, Mustafa Canan, Gordon Cates, Jian-Ping Chen, Eugene Chudakov, Evaristo Cisbani, Mark Macrae Dalton, Kees De Jager, Raffaele De Leo, Wouter Deconinck, Xiaoyan Deng, Alexandre Deur, Chiranjib Dutta, Lamiaa El Fassi, David Flay, Gregg Franklin, Megan Friend, Salvatore Frullani, Franco Garibaldi, Shalev Gilad, Antonio Giusa, Oleksandr Glamazdin, Serkan Golge, Klaus Grimm, Kawtar Hafidi, Ole Hansen, Douglas Higinbotham, Richard Holmes, Tim Holmstrom, Roy Holt, Jian Huang, Charles Hyde, Chun-Min Jen, Donald Jones, Hoyoung Kang, Paul King, Stanley Kowalski, Krishna Kumar, Jeong Han Lee, John LeRose, Nilanga Liyanage, Elena Long, Dustin McNulty, Dimitri Margaziotis, Franco Meddi, Dave Meekins, Luis Mercado, Zein-Eddine Meziani, Robert Michaels, Miha Mihovilovic, Navaphon Muangma, Katherine Mesick, Sirish Nanda, Amrendra Narayan, Vladimir Nelyubin, Nuruzzaman Nuruzzaman, Yongseok Oh, Diana Parno, Kent Paschke, Sarah Phillips, Xin Qian, Yi Qiang, Brian Quinn, Abdurahim Rakhman, Paul Reimer, Keith Rider, Seamus Riordan, Julie Roche, Joshua Rubin, Kiadtisak Saenboonruang, Arun Saha, Brad Sawatzky, Albert Shahinyan, Rupesh Silwal, Simon Sirca, Paul Souder, Riad Suleiman, Vincent Sulkosky, Concetta Sutera, Al Tobias, Guido Urciuoli, Buddhini Waidyawansa, Bogdan Wojtsekhowski, L. Ye, Bo Zhao, Xiaochao Zheng
Publication Date April 2015
Document Type Journal Article
Primary Institution Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Newport News
Affiliation Exp Nuclear Physics / Experimental Halls / Hall A
Funding Source
Proprietary? No
This publication conveys Technical Science Results
Document Numbers
JLAB Number: JLAB-PHY-14-1963 OSTI Number: 1178639
LANL Number: arXiv:1411.3200 Other Number: DOE/OR/23177-3312
Associated with an experiment Yes
Experiment Number(s)
Associated with EIC No
Supported by Jefferson Lab LDRD Funding No
Journal Article
Journal Name Physical Review C
Refereed Yes
Volume 91
Issue 04
Page(s) 045506
Attachments/Datasets/DOI Link
1411.3200v1.pdf (STI Document)
DOI Link
Dataset(s) (none)
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