STI Publications - View Publication #13767

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Title Precise Determination of the Deuteron Spin Structure at Low to Moderate $Q^2$ with CLAS and Extraction of the Neutron Contribution
Abstract We present the final results for the deuteron spin structure functions obtained from the full data set collected with Jefferson Lab?s CLAS in 2000-2001. Polarized electrons with energies of 1.6, 2.5, 4.2 and 5.8 GeV were scattered from deuteron (15ND3) targets, dynamically polarized along the beam direction, and detected with CLAS. From the measured double spin asymmetry, the virtual photon absorption asymmetry Ad1 and the polarized structure function g1d were extracted over a wide kinematic range (0.05 GeV2 < Q2 < 5 GeV2 and 0.9 GeV < W < 3 GeV). We use an unfolding procedure and a parametrization of the corresponding proton results to extract from these data the polarized structure functions An1 and g1n of the (bound) neutron, which are so far unknown in the resonance region, W < 2 GeV. We compare our final results, including several moments of the deuteron and neutron spin structure functions, with various theoretical models and expectations as well as parametrizations of the world
Author(s) Nevzat Guler, Robert Fersch, Sebastian Kuhn, Peter Bosted, Keith Griffioen, Christopher Keith, Ralph Minehart, Yelena Prok, Krishna Adhikari, Dasuni Adikaram, Moskov Amaryan, Mark Anderson, Jacques Ball, Marco Battaglieri, V. Batourine, Ivan Bedlinskiy, Bill Briscoe, Will Brooks, Stephen Bueltmann, Volker Burkert, Daniel Carman, Andrea Celentano, Shloka Chandavar, Gabriel Charles, Luca Colaneri, Phil Cole, Marco Contalbrigo, Don Crabb, Volker Crede, Annalisa D'Angelo, Natalya DASHYAN, Alexandre Deur, Chaden Djalali, Gail Dodge, Raphael Dupre, Ahmed El Alaoui, Lamiaa El Fassi, Latifa Elouadrhiri, Paul Eugenio, Gleb Fedotov, Stuart Fegan, Alessandra Filippi, Jamie Fleming, Tony Forest, Brice Garillon, Michel Garcon, Nerses Gevorgyan, Jerry Gilfoyle, Kevin Giovanetti, Francois-Xavier Girod-Gard, John Goetz, Evgeny Golovach, Ralf Gothe, Michel Guidal, Lei Guo, Kawtar Hafidi, Hayk Hakobyan, Nathan Harrison, Mohammad Mohammad Hattawy, Ken Hicks, Dao Ho, Maurik Holtrop, Simon Hughes, Charles Hyde, David Ireland, Boris Ishkhanov, Evgeny Isupov, Hyon-Suk Jo, Kyungseon Joo, Sylvester Joosten, Dustin Keller, Mahbub Khandaker, Andrey Kim, Wooyoung Kim, Andi Klein, Franz Klein, Valery Kubarovsky, Sergey Kuleshov, Kenneth Livingston, Haiyun Lu, Ian Macgregor, Bryan McKinnon, Marco Mirazita, Viktor Mokeev, Rachel Montgomery, Aram Movsisyan, Carlos Munoz Camacho, Pawel Nadel-Turonski, Lelia Net, Maria Niculescu, Mikhail Osipenko, Alexander Ostrovidov, Kijun Park, Eugene Pasyuk, Silvia Pisano, Oleg Pogorelko, John Price, Sebastien Procureur, Marco Ripani, Alessandro Rizzo, Guenther Rosner, Patrizia Rossi, Priyashree Roy, Franck Sabatie, Carlos Salgado, Diane Schott, Reinhard Schumacher, Erin Seder, Ani Simonyan, Iuliia Skorodumina, Daria Sokhan, Nikos Sparveris, Steffen Strauch, Valeriy Sytnik, Ye Tian, Svyatoslav Tkachenko, Maurizio Ungaro, Eric Voutier, Natalie Walford, Xiangdong Wei, Larry Weinstein, Mike Wood, Nicholas Zachariou, Lorenzo Zana, Jixie Zhang, Zhiwen Zhao, Irene Zonta
Publication Date November 2015
Document Type Journal Article
Primary Institution Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Newport News
Affiliation Exp Nuclear Physics / Experimental Halls / Hall B
Funding Source
Proprietary? No
This publication conveys Technical Science Results
Document Numbers
JLAB Number: JLAB-PHY-15-2054 OSTI Number: 1224794
LANL Number: arXiv:1505.07877 Other Number: DOE/OR/23177-3359
Associated with an experiment Yes
Experiment Number(s)
Associated with EIC No
Supported by Jefferson Lab LDRD Funding No
Journal Article
Journal Name Physical Review C
Refereed Yes
Volume 92
Issue 05
Page(s) 055201
Attachments/Datasets/DOI Link
1505.07877v2.pdf (STI Document)
DOI Link
Dataset(s) (none)
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