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Title Rosenbluth separation of the $pi^0$ electroproduction cross section
Abstract We present deeply virtual $\pi^0$ electroproduction cross-section measurements at $x_B$=0.36 and three different $Q^2$--values ranging from 1.5 to 2 GeV$^2$, obtained from experiment E07-007 that ran in the Hall A at Jefferson Lab. The Rosenbluth technique was used to separate the longitudinal and transverse responses. Results demonstrate that the cross section is dominated by its transverse component, and thus is far from the asymptotic limit predicted by perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics. An indication of a non-zero longitudinal contribution is provided by the interference term $\sigma_{LT}$ also measured. Results are compared with several models based on the leading twist approach of Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs). In particular, a fair agreement is obtained with models where the scattering amplitude is described by a convolution of chiral-odd (transversity) GPDs of the nucleon with the twist-3 pion distribution amplitude. Therefore, neutral pion electroproduction may off
Author(s) Maxime Defurne, Malek Mazouz, Hisham Albataineh, Kalyan Allada, Konrad Aniol, Vincenzo Bellini, Meriem Benali, Werner Boeglin, Pierre Bertin, Michel Brossard, Alexandre Camsonne, Mustafa Canan, Shloka Chandavar, Chunhua Chen, Jian-Ping Chen, Kees De Jager, Raffaele De Leo, Camille Desnault, Alexandre Deur, Lamiaa El Fassi, Rolf Ent, David Flay, Megan Friend, Eric Fuchey, Salvatore Frullani, Franco Garibaldi, Dave Gaskell, Antonio Giusa, Oleksandr Glamazdin, Serkan Golge, Javier Gomez, Ole Hansen, Douglas Higinbotham, Tim Holmstrom, Tanja Horn, J. Huang, Min Huang, Charles Hyde, Sophia Iqbal, Florian Itard, H. Kang, Aidan Kelleher, Cynthia (Thia) Keppel, Suman Koirala, Igor Korover, John LeRose, Richard Lindgren, Elena Long, Magali Magne, Juliette Mammei, Dimitri Margaziotis, Pete Markowitz, Alejandro Marti Jimenez-Arguello, Franco Meddi, Dave Meekins, Robert Michaels, Miha Mihovilovic, Carlos Munoz Camacho, Pawel Nadel-Turonski, Nuruzzaman Nuruzzaman, Rafayel Paremuzyan, Andrew Puckett, Vina Punjabi, Yi Qiang, A. Rakhman, Mohamed Nuhman Hashir Rashad, Seamus Riordan, Julie Roche, Giuseppe Russo, Franck Sabatie, Kiadtisak Saenboonruang, Arun Saha, Brad Sawatzky, Lawrence Selvy, Albert Shahinyan, Simon Sirca, Patricia Solvignon-Slifer, Maria Leda Sperduto, Ramesh Subedi, Vincent Sulkosky, Concetta Sutera, Al Tobias, Guido Maria Urciuoli, Diancheng Wang, Bogdan Wojtsekhowski, H. Yao, Z. Ye, Zafar Ahmed, Xiaohui Zhan, J. Zhang, Bo Zhao, Z. Zhao, Xiaochao Zheng, Pengjia Zhu
Publication Date December 2016
Document Type Journal Article
Primary Institution Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Newport News
Affiliation Exp Nuclear Physics / Experimental Halls / Hall A
Funding Source Nuclear Physics (NP)
Proprietary? No
This publication conveys Technical Science Results
Document Numbers
JLAB Number: JLAB-PHY-16-2309 OSTI Number: 1337925
LANL Number: arXiv:1608.01003 Other Number: DOE/OR/23177-3891
Associated with an experiment Yes
Experiment Number(s)
Associated with EIC No
Supported by Jefferson Lab LDRD Funding No
Journal Article
Journal Name Physical Review Letters
Refereed Yes
Volume 117
Issue 26
Page(s) 262001
Attachments/Datasets/DOI Link
1608.01003v1.pdf (STI Document)
JLAB-PHY-16-2309.pdf (Accepted Manuscript)
DOI Link
Dataset(s) (none)
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