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Title The tracking analysis in the Q-weak experiment
Abstract The Q-weak experiment at Jefferson Laboratory measured the parity violating asymmetry (A$_{PV}$ ) in elastic electron-proton scattering at small momentum transfer squared (Q$^{2}$=0.025 (G e V/c)$^{2}$), with the aim of extracting the proton¿s weak charge ( ${Q^p_W}$ ) to an accuracy of 5 %. As one of the major uncertainty contribution sources to ${Q^p_W}$ , Q$^{2}$ needs to be determined to ¿1 % so as to reach the proposed experimental precision. For this purpose, two sets of high resolution tracking chambers were employed in the experiment, to measure tracks before and after the magnetic spectrometer. Data collected by the tracking system were then reconstructed with dedicated software into individual electron trajectories for experimental kinematics determination. The Q-weak kinematics and the analysis scheme for tracking data are briefly described here. The sources that contribute to the uncertainty of Q$^{2}$ are discussed, and the current analysis status is reported.
Author(s) Jie Pan, Darko Androic, Dave Armstrong, Arshak Asaturyan, Todd Averett, Jan Balewski, Joe Beaufait, Rakitha Beminiwattha, Fatiha Benmokhtar, James Birchall, Roger Carlini, Gordon Cates, Juan Carlos Cornejo, Silviu Covrig Dusa, Mark Macrae Dalton, Charles Davis, Wouter Deconinck, Juergen Diefenbach, Jim Dowd, Jim Dunne, Dipangkar Dutta, Wade Duvall, Mostafa Elaasar, Willie Falk, Mike Finn, Tony Forest, Dave Gaskell, Michael Gericke, Joe Grames, Val Gray, Klaus Grimm, Fang Guo, Joshua Hoskins, Kathleen Johnston, D. Jones, Mark Kevin Jones, Richard Jones, Emmanouil Kargiantoulakis, Paul King, Elie Korkmaz, Stanley Kowalski, John Leacock, John Leckey, Anna Lee, Han Lee, Scott MacEwan, Dave Mack, Joshua Magee, Rob Mahurin, Juliette Mammei, Jeff Martin, Martin McHugh, Dave Meekins, Jiawei Mei, Robert Michaels, Anna Micherdzinska, Arthur Mkrtchyan, Hamlet Mkrtchyan, Norman Morgan, Amrendra Narayan, Luwani Ndukum, Vladimir Nelyubin, Nuruzzaman Nuruzzaman, Willem Van Oers, Allena Opper, Shelley Page, Kent Paschke, Sarah Phillips, Mark Pitt, Matthew Poelker, Jean-Francois Rajotte, Des Ramsay, Julie Roche, Brad Sawatzky, Tomislav Seva, Mitra Hashemi Shabestari, Rupesh Silwal, Neven Simicevic, Greg Smith, Patricia Solvignon-Slifer, Damon Spayde, Adesh Subedi, Ramesh Subedi, Riad Suleiman, Vardan Tadevosyan, Al Tobias, Vladas Tvaskis, Buddhini Waidyawansa, Peiqing Wang, Steven Wells, Stephen Wood, Siyuan Yang, Ross Young, Simon Zhamkochyan
Publication Date December 2016
Document Type Meeting, Journal Article
Primary Institution University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
Affiliation Exp Nuclear Physics / Experimental Halls / Hall C
Funding Source Nuclear Physics (NP)
Proprietary? No
This publication conveys Technical Science Results
Document Numbers
JLAB Number: JLAB-PHY-16-2372 OSTI Number: 1341001
LANL Number: Other Number: DOE/OR/23177-4060
Associated with an experiment Yes
Experiment Number(s)
Associated with EIC No
Supported by Jefferson Lab LDRD Funding No
Meeting / Conference
Meeting Name SSP 2015
Meeting Date 6/8/2015
Document Subtype Paper (proceedings only)
Journal Article
Journal Name Hyperfine Interactions
Refereed Yes
Volume 237
Issue 1
Page(s) 161
Attachments/Datasets/DOI Link
Q2Reconstruction.pdf (STI Document)
DOI Link
Dataset(s) (none)
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