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Title Full solution of the medium-induced radiation spectrum
Authors L. Apolinario, F. Dominguez, Carlota Andres Casas
JLAB number JLAB-THY-20-3245
LANL number arXiv:2109.06571
Other number DOE/OR/23177-5121
Document Type(s) (Meeting) 
Associated with EIC: No
Supported by Jefferson Lab LDRD Funding: No
Funding Source: Nuclear Physics (NP)

Paper compiled for Hard Probes 2020

Compiled for PoS
Volume HP 2020
Page(s) 125

Edited By R. Fries, F. Geurts, C. Markert, C. Ratti
Proceedings of Science (2021) Refereed
Page(s) 125
Publication Abstract: New measurements of jet quenching observables at RHIC and at the LHC, such as jet substructure observables, demand an increased precision in the theory calculations describing medium-induced radiation of gluons. Closed expressions for the gluon spectrum including a full resummation of multiple scatterings have been known for the past 20 years, but have only been evaluated in specific limits either taking a few terms in an opacity expansion or by employing a Gaussian approximation for the interaction potential -- which misses important physical effects. We present here a new flexible method to compute the full spectrum for a realistic interaction potential, thus allowing us for the first time to properly quantify the effect of the all-order resummation of multiple scatterings. This new approach paves the way for precision phenomenological studies including multiple scattering effects such as coherence phenomena.
Experiment Numbers:
Document: pdf
Accepted Manuscript: 2109.06571.pdf
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