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Title Preliminary Cryogenic Cold Test Results of the First 9-Cell LSF Shape Cavity
Authors Rongli Geng, Hitoshi Hayano, Yoshihisa iwashita, Zenghai Li, Sergey Belomestnykh, V. Shemelin, William Clemens, R. Williams, Yasuhiro Fuwa
JLAB number JLAB-ACC-21-3379
LANL number duplicate to JLAB-AC
Other number JLAB-ACC-21-3495, DOE/OR/23177-5201
Document Type(s) (Meeting) 
Category: SRF Technology
Associated with EIC: No
Supported by Jefferson Lab LDRD Funding: No
Funding Source: High Energy Physics (HEP)

Paper compiled for IPAC21

Edited By
JACOW (2021)
Page(s) 2296
Publication Abstract: Following successful prototyping and testing of single-cell and 5-cell LSF shape cavities, the first 9-cell LSF shape cavity LSF9-1 was successfully constructed using an innovative process at JLab using the in-house fabrication facilities. The cavity was then shipped to KEK for post fabrication mechanical adjustment and ILC TDR style cavity treatment and surface processing. Cold testing was carried out at JLab VTA facility instrumented with a suite of Kyoto instruments. Favorable values for the bath pressure detuning sensitivity and the Lorentz force detuning coefficient were experimentally measured, validating the design improvement in cell stiffeners. Pass-band measurements indicate 4 out of 9 cells reaching gradient capability of > 45 MV/m, including 2 cell reaching 51 MV/m. Cornell OST detectors identified the cell and location responsible for the current hard quench. Multipacting-like barriers observed in end cells are investigated both analytically and numerically. The cavity was shipped to FNAL and received a light EP of 40 micron surface removal at the joint ANL/FNAL chemistry facility and further cold testing at JLab is planned. Two new 9-cell LSF shape cavities are being constructed including one made of large-grain niobium material.
Experiment Numbers:
Group: SRF Research & Dev
Document: pdf
Accepted Manuscript: tupab342.pdf
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