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Title Revisiting quark and gluon polarization in the proton at the EIC
Authors Yiyu Zhou, Christopher Cocuzza, Filippo Delcarro, Wolodymyr Melnitchouk, Andreas Metz, Nobuo Sato
JLAB number JLAB-THY-21-3368
LANL number arXiv:2105.04434
Other number DOE/OR/23177-5186
Document Type(s) (Journal Article) 
Associated with EIC: Yes
Supported by Jefferson Lab LDRD Funding: No
Funding Source: Nuclear Physics (NP)

Compiled for Physical Review D
Volume 104
Page(s) 034028
Publication Abstract: We present a comprehensive impact study of future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) data for parity-conserving and parity-violating polarization asymmetries on quark and gluon helicity distributions in the proton. The study, which is based on the JAM Monte Carlo global QCD analysis framework, explores the role of the extrapolation uncertainty and SU(3) flavor symmetry constraints in the simulated double spin asymmetry, $A_{LL}$, at small parton momentum fractions $x$ and its effect on the extracted parton polarizations. We find that different assumptions about $A_{LL}$ extrapolations and SU(3) symmetry can have significant consequences for the integrated quark and gluon polarizations, for polarized proton, deuterium and $^3 \mathrm{He}$ beams. For the parity-violating asymmetry, $A_{UL}$, we study the potential impact on the polarized strange quark distribution with different extrapolations of $A_{UL}$, finding the constraining power to be ultimately limited by the EIC machine luminosity.
Experiment Numbers:
Document: pdf
Accepted Manuscript: PhysRevD.104.034028.pdf
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