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Title Design concept for the second interaction region for electron-ion collider
Authors Bamunuvita Gamage, Volker Burkert, Rolf Ent, Yulia Furletova, Douglas Higinbotham, Andrew Hutton, Fanglei Lin, Timothy Michalski, Vasiliy Morozov, Renuka Rajput-Ghoshal, Todd Satogata, Andrei Seryi, Amy Sy, Christian Weiss, Mark Wiseman, Walter Wittmer, Yuhong Zhang, elke-caroline Aschenauer, J. Berg, A. Jentsch, Alexander Kiselev, Christoph Montag, Robert Palmer, Brett Parker, Vadim Ptitsyn, Ferdinand Willeke, H. Witte, Charles Hyde, Pawel Nadel-Turonski
JLAB number JLAB-ACP-21-3394
LANL number (None)
Other number DOE/OR/23177-5213
Document Type(s) (Meeting) 
Category: Beam Dynamics
Associated with EIC: Yes
Supported by Jefferson Lab LDRD Funding: No
Funding Source: Nuclear Physics (NP)
Other Funding:DE-AC05-06OR23177

Paper compiled for IPAC21

Proceedings of IPAC 2021
Edited By Liu Lin, John M. Byrd, Regis Neuenschwander, Renan Picoreti, Volker R. W. Schaa
JACOW (2021)
Page(s) 1435-1438
Publication Abstract: The possibility of two interaction regions (IRs) is a design requirement for Electron Ion Collider (EIC). There?s also a significant interest from the nuclear physics community to have a 2nd IR with measurements capabilities complementary to those of the 1st IR. While the 2nd IR will be in operation over the entire energy range of ~20GeV to ~140GeV center of mass (CM). The 2nd IR can also provide an acceptance coverage complementary to that of the 1st. In this paper we present a brief overview and the current progress of the 2nd IR design in terms of the parameters, magnet layout and beam dynamics.
Experiment Numbers:
Group: Ctr for Adv Stud of Accel
Document: pdf
Accepted Manuscript: tupab040.pdf
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