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Title Comparative study of 6He beta-decay based on different SRG-evolved chiral interactions
Authors Alex Gnech, Laura Marcucci, Rocco Schiavilla, Michele Viviani
JLAB number JLAB-THY-21-3422
LANL number arXiv:2106.07439
Other number DOE/OR/23177-5240
Document Type(s) (Journal Article) 
Associated with EIC: No
Supported by Jefferson Lab LDRD Funding: No
Funding Source: Nuclear Physics (NP)

Compiled for Physical Review C
Volume 104
Page(s) 035501
Publication Abstract: We report on a study of the Gamow-Teller matrix element contributing to 6He beta-decay with Similarity Renormalization Group (SRG) versions of momentum- and configuration-space two-nucleon interactions. These interactions are derived from two different formulations of chiral effective field theory (chiEFT)---without and with the explicit inclusion of $\Delta$-isobars. We consider evolution parameters $\Lambda_{\rm SRG}$ in the range between 1.2 and 2.0 fm^{-1} and, for the Delta-less case, also the unevolved (bare) interaction. The axial current contains one- and two-body terms, consistently derived at tree level (no loops) in the two distinct chiEFT formulations we have adopted here. The 6He and 6Li ground-state wave functions are obtained from hyperspherical-harmonics (HH) solutions of the nuclear many-body problem. In A=6 systems, the HH method is limited at present to treat only two-body interactions and non-SRG evolved currents. Our results exhibit a significant dependence on Lambda_{SRG} of the contributions associated with two-body currents, suggesting that a consistent SRG-evolution of these is needed in order to obtain reliable estimates. We also show that the contributions from one-pion-exchange currents depend strongly on the model (chiral) interactions and on the momentum- or configuration-space cutoffs used to regularize them. These results might prove helpful in clarifying the origin of the sign difference recently found in No-Core-Shell-Model and Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of the 6He Gamow-Teller matrix element.
Experiment Numbers: other
Document: pdf
Accepted Manuscript: 2106.07439.pdf
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