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Title Quantum Enhanced Tracker
Authors Shukui Zhang, Alexandre Camsonne, Todd Averett, Seth Aubin, Eugeniy Mikhailov, Irina Novikova, Nic DeStefano, J. Li
JLAB number JLAB-ACC-21-3529
LANL number (None)
Other number DOE/OR/23177-6191
Document Type(s) (Meeting) 
Category: Optical Physics & Technology
Associated with EIC: No
Supported by Jefferson Lab LDRD Funding: Yes
LDRD Numbers: 2022-LDRD-14
Funding Source: Nuclear Physics (NP)

Contributed Talk compiled for APS DNP Fall meeting
Publication Abstract: We report the study and development of a novel new charged particle detector, a "Quantum Enhanced Tracker" for 3D imaging of charged particle tracks. The proposed detector relies on, and benefits from, the extremely high sensitivity of atoms, prepared in a specific quantum superposition, to external perturbations. Atoms are prepared in a so-called "dark superposition" state, a passing charged particle will disturb this quantum state, allowing atoms to change polarization of the probe light or absorb probe light and to fluoresce, enabling direct imaging of the particle trajectory with high resolution. This method has similarities with Cherenkov detectors where a charged particle produces light along its track, but with the major advantages of enhanced sensitivity due to the low energy required to perturb the engineered quantum state, the ability to amplify the signal using a drive laser passing through the medium, and the ability to provide a 3D track.
Experiment Numbers:
Group: Ctr for Injectors&Sources
Document: pdf
Accepted Manuscript:
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