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Title Dynamic Aperture Evaluation for the Hadron Storage Ring in the Electron-Ion Collider
Authors Yun Luo, J. Berg, Michael Blaskiewicz, Wolfram Fischer, X. Gu, Henry Lovelace III, Christoph Montag, R. Palmer, Stephen Peggs, Vadim Ptitsyn, Ferdinand Willeke, H. Witte, Yue Hao, D. Xu, He Huang, Vasiliy Morozov, Edith Nissen, Todd Satogata, J. Qiang
JLAB number JLAB-ACC-21-3492
LANL number (None)
Other number DOE/OR/23177-5345
Document Type(s) (Meeting) 
Category: Beam Dynamics
Associated with EIC: No
Supported by Jefferson Lab LDRD Funding: No
Funding Source: Nuclear Physics (NP)
Other Funding:DE-AC02-98CH10886

Paper compiled for IPAC21

Proceedings of IPAC 2021
Edited By Liu Lin, John M. Byrd, Regis Neuenschwander, Renan Picoreti, Volker R. W. Schaa
JACOW (2021)
Page(s) 3812-3814
Publication Abstract: The Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) is aiming at a design luminosity of 1e34 cm?²s?¹. To maintain such a high luminosity, both beams in the EIC need an acceptable beam lifetime in the presence of the beam-beam interaction. For this purpose, we carried out weak-strong element-by-element particle tracking to evaluate the long-term dynamic aperture for the hadron ring lattice design. We improved our simulation code SimTrack to treat some new lattice design features, such as radially offset on-momentum orbits, coordinate transformations in the interaction region, etc. In this article, we will present the preliminary dynamic aperture calculation results with ?^{*}- function scan, radial orbit shift, crossing angle collision, and magnetic field errors.
Experiment Numbers:
Group: Ctr for Adv Stud of Accel
Document: pdf
Accepted Manuscript: thpab029.pdf
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