Publication Information
Title | First Measurement of the EMC Effect in 10B and 11B |
Authors | Nadia Fomin, Abishek Karki, David Gaskell, John Arrington |
JLAB number | JLAB-PHY-22-3648 |
LANL number | (None) |
Other number | DOE/OR/23177-5527 |
Document Type(s) | (Journal Article) |
Associated with EIC: | No |
Supported by Jefferson Lab LDRD Funding: | No |
Funding Source: | Nuclear Physics (NP) |
Journal Compiled for Physical Review C Volume 108 Page(s) 035201 Refereed | |
Publication Abstract: | The nuclear dependence of the inclusive inelastic electron scattering cross section (the EMC effect) has been measured for the first time in 10B and 11B. Previous measurements of the EMC effect in A ? 12 nuclei showed an unexpected nuclear dependence; 10B and 11B were measured to explore the EMC effect in this region in more detail. Results are presented for 9Be, 10B, 11B, and 12C at an incident beam energy of 10.6 GeV. The EMC effect in the boron isotopes was found to be similar to that for 9Be and 12C, yielding almost no nuclear dependence in the EMC effect in the range A = 4?12. This represents important, new data supporting the hypothesis that the the EMC effect depends primarily on the local nuclear density due to the cluster structure of these nuclei. |
Experiment Numbers: | E12-10-008 |
Group: | Hall C |
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