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Title SU(2) principal chiral model with tensor renormalization group on cubic lattice
Authors Raghav Jha, Shinichiro Akiyama, Judah Unmuth-Yockey
JLAB number JLAB-THY-24-4047
LANL number (None)
Other number DOE/OR/23177-7482
Document Type(s) (Journal Article) 
Associated with EIC: No
Supported by Jefferson Lab LDRD Funding: No
Funding Source: Nuclear Physics (NP)

Compiled for Physical Review D
Volume 110
Page(s) 034519
Publication Abstract: We study the continuous phase transition and thermodynamical observables in the three- dimensional Euclidean SU(2) principal chiral field model with triad tensor renormalization group (tTRG) and anisotropic tensor renormalization group (ATRG) methods. This model is equivalent to the three-dimensional O(4) model and we precisely locate the critical point. Our results are con- sistent with the Monte Carlo estimates and show correct behavior under coarse-graining as evident in the computation of a fixed-point observable. These results bring us one step closer to studying finite-density QCD in four dimensions using tensor network methods.
Experiment Numbers:
Document: pdf
Accepted Manuscript: PhysRevD.110.034519.pdf
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