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Title The Future Electron-Ion Collider
Authors Pu-Kai Wang
JLAB number JLAB-PHY-23-4015
LANL number (None)
Other number DOE/OR/23177-7470
Document Type(s) (Thesis) 
Associated with EIC: No
Supported by Jefferson Lab LDRD Funding: No
Funding Source: Nuclear Physics (NP)
A PHD thesis
Advisor(s) :
   Mark Jones (JLAB)
   Carlos Munoz Camacho (Saclay)
Publication Abstract: Generalized Parton Distributions include rich information and became a powerful tool for studying hadron structure. Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering is the golden channel to access GPDs. The development of high luminosity and high-acceptance detectors (Electron-Ion Collider) allows physicists to overcome the difficulty of DVCS measurements. The outstanding performance of the accelerator performs the eA collisions at the center of mass energy from 20 to 140 GeV, while the luminosity at the scale of 1034 cm?2s?1. The new type of high-density crystal, PWO-II, produced by CRYTUR in 2×2×20 cm3 will be utilized in the calorimeter. The transparency of PWO-II crystals is > 70% at 620 nm, > 60% at 420 nm, and >35% at 360 nm. The crystals also show good radiation hardness under 30 Gy radiation exposure. Ten PWO-II crystals have a uniform light yield at 30 p.e./MeV, providing sufficient light yield to reduce the fluctuation of the energy measurements. Near 3000 crystals were constructed inside the 12-sided polygon supporting structure in the simulation. The island clustering algorithm was used for reconstructed the energy. The energy resolution study by the particle gun shows the stochastic term and constant term are 1.8% and 1.2%, respectively. The spatial resolution of NEEMC varies from 5% to 15% of the crystal?s width depending on the particle?s incident angle. The pion rejection of NEEMC can reach 103 with electron efficiency > 85% when the particle?s energy is larger than 1GeV. The Pi0- identified efficiency study can be interpreted as finding the local maxima in the single cluster caused by two high energy close photons. The study results show that efficiency is nearly 100% for pi0 energy is smaller than 10 GeV, and efficiency drops to 30% with 20 GeV pi0. The new type of 3x3 pixelated AC-LGAD were wire bonded to ALTIROC for performance test. The cross-talk between the adjacent channels is about 20% for VPA and 10% for TZ. A series of the TDC characteristic measurements show that the jitter for both preamplifiers is about 20 ps, and the time-walk effect is mild for inject charge > 12 pF. Furthermore, the beta source radiation results quantify the sharing scale of the 3x3 pixels AC-LGAD (? 20%). The electronics simulation study results show no significant changes in the spatial resolution, whether ADC resolution is 8, 10, or 12 bits. The 8-bit ADC is decided to use in the EICROC as it has a smaller size and power consumption than the 10-bit and 12-bit ADC. The ECCE is one of the full detector proposals for EIC. The new type of DVCS generator, called TOPEG, is used to generate the high acceptance beam configurations of 18×110 GeV2 electron and 4He. The acceptance study shows a -1.8 < ? < -1.4 gap between the BEMC and EEMC. The 10?x,y geometry cut is applied on the Roman Pots, so the acceptance of Roman Pots quickly drops to 0% when the polar angle of the recoiled 4He < 2 mrad. This primary ECCE simulation study suggests extending the acceptance of BEMC longitudinally as the structure limits the radial size of EEMC. The acceptance of the Roman Pots is still challenging. In 2023, The overall design of ePIC was finalized by merging two full detector proposals (ECCE and ATHENA) after a series of intensive simulation studies.
Experiment Numbers:
Group: Hall A
Document: pdf
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