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Title High precision measurements of as at the future EIC
Authors Tyler Kutz, Jackson Pybus, Darren Upton, Cameron Cotton, Abhay Deshpande, Alexandre Deur, Li Wenliang, Dien Nguyen, Michael Nycz, Xiaochao Zheng
JLAB number JLAB-PHY-24-4044
LANL number arXiv:2406.05591
Other number DOE/OR/23177-7478
Document Type(s) (Journal Article) 
Associated with EIC: Yes
Supported by Jefferson Lab LDRD Funding: No
Funding Source: Nuclear Physics (NP)

Compiled for Physical Review D
Volume 110
Page(s) 074004
Publication Abstract: We present a projection study for the first moments of the inclusive spin structure function $\int g_1(x,Q^2) \, dx$ for the proton and neutron from simulated doubly-polarized $\vec{e}\vec{p}$ and $\vec{e}$-$^3 \overrightarrow{\rm He}$ collision data expected from the Electron-Ion collider. For detection and extraction of the neutron spin asymmetries from $\vec{e}$-$^3 \overrightarrow{\rm He}$ collisions, we used the double-tagging method which significantly reduces the uncertainty over the traditional inclusive method. Using the Bjorken sum rule, the projected results allow us to determine that the QCD coupling at the $Z$-pole $\alpha_s(M_{Z^0}^2)$ can be measured with a relative precision of $1.3\%$. This underscores the significance of the EIC for achieving precision determinations of $\alpha_s$.
Experiment Numbers: other
Group: Hall D
Document: pdf
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