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Title A PARMELA model of the CEBAF injector valid over a wide range of beam parameters
Authors Yuhong Zhang, Kevin Beard, Jay Benesch, Yu-Chiu Chao, Arne Freyberger, Joseph Grames, Reza Kazimi, Geoffrey Krafft, Rui Li, Nikolitsa Merminga, Bernard Poelker, Byung Yunn
JLAB number JLAB-ACC-04-06
LANL number (None)
Other number DOE/ER/40150-2939
Document Type(s) (Meeting) 
Associated with EIC: No
Supported by Jefferson Lab LDRD Funding: No

Paper compiled for EPAC 2004
Publication Abstract: A PARMELA model of the CEBAF injector valid over a wide range of beam parameters Yuhong Zhang, Kevin Beard, Jay Benesch, Yu-Chiu Chao, Arne Freyberger, Joseph Grames, Reza Kazimi, Geoff Krafft, Rui Li, Lia Merminga, Matt Poelker, Michael Tiefenback, Byung Yunn Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility 12000 Jefferson Avenue, Newport News, VA 23606 USA An earlier PARMELA model of the Jefferson Lab CEBAF photoinjector was recently revised. The initial phase space distribution of an electron bunch was determined by measuring spot size and pulselength of the driver laser and by beam emittance measurements. The improved model has been used for simulations of the simultaneous delivery of the Hall A beam required for a hypernuclear experiment, and the Hall C beam required for the G0 parity violation experiment. The Hall C beam requires a factor of 6 higher bunch charge than the Hall A beam, with significant space charge effects, while the Hall A beam has an exceedingly stringent energy spread requirement of 3x10-5 rms. Measurements of beam properties at 100 keV and several values of bunch charge were performed using the standard quad-wire scanner technique. Comparisons of simulated transmission rate, longitudinal beam size and transverse emittances against experimental data yield reasonably good agreement. The model is being used for optimization of the CEBAF injector. This work was supported by the U.S. Dept of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC05-84ER40150.
Experiment Numbers: other
Group: Ctr for Adv Stud of Accel
Document: pdf
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