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Title Longitudinal Space Charge Effects in the JLAB IR FEL SRF LINAC
Authors Carlos Hernandez-Garcia, Kevin Beard, Christopher Behre, Steve Benson, George Biallas, James Boyce, David Douglas, H. Dylla, Richard Evans, Albert Grippo, Joseph Gubeli, David Hardy, Kevin Jordan, Nikolitsa Merminga, George Neil, Joseph Preble, Michelle Shinn, Timothy Siggins, Richard Walker, Gwyn Williams, Byung Yunn, Yuhong Zhang
JLAB number JLAB-ACT-04-04
LANL number (None)
Other number (None)
Document Type(s) (Meeting) 
Associated with EIC: No
Supported by Jefferson Lab LDRD Funding: No

Paper compiled for FEL 2004

Proceedings of FEL 2004
Edited By Ren Bakker, Luca Giannessi, Marino Marsi, Richard P. Walker
Comitato Conferenze Elettra (2004) Refereed
Page(s) 363-366
Publication Abstract: Observations of energy spread asymmetry when operating the Linac on either side of crest and longitudinal emittance growth have been confirmed by extending PARMELA simulations from the injector to the end of the first SRF Linac module. The asymmetry can be explained by the interaction of the accelerating electric field with that from longitudinal space charge effects within the electron bunch. This can be a major limitation to performance in FEL accelerators.
Experiment Numbers: other
Group: FEL/Light Sources Core
Document: pdf
Accepted Manuscript: TUBOS02.PDF
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