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Title First results from 2+1-Flavor Domain Wall QCD: Mass Spectrum, Topology Change and Chiral Symmetry with $L_s=8$
Authors David Antonio, Thomas Blum, Kenneth Bowler, Patrick Boyle, Norman Christ, Saul Cohen, Christopher Dawson, A. Hart, K. Hashimoto, T. Izubuchi, Balint Joo, Chulwoo Jung, Anthony D. Kennedy, Richard Kenway, S. Li, Huey-Wen Lin, Meifeng Lin, Robert Mawhinney, Christopher Maynard, J. Noaki., Shigemi Ohta, S. Sasaki, Amarjit Soni, Azusa Yamaguchi
JLAB number JLAB-IT-07-06
LANL number hep-lat/0612005
Other number DOE/OR/23177-0209
Document Type(s) (Journal Article) 
Associated with EIC: No
Supported by Jefferson Lab LDRD Funding: No

Compiled for Physical Review D
Volume 75
Page(s) 114501
Publication Abstract: We present results for the static interquark potential, light meson and baryon masses, and light pseudoscalar meson decay constants obtained from simulations of domain wall QCD with one dynamical flavour approximating the $s$ quark, and two degenerate dynamical flavours with input bare masses ranging from $m_s$ to $m_s/4$ approximating the $u$ and $d$ quarks. We compare these quantities obtained using the Iwasaki and DBW2 improved gauge actions, and actions with larger rectangle coefficients, on $16^3\times32$ lattices. We seek parameter values at which both the chiral symmetry breaking residual mass due to the finite lattice extent in the fifth dimension and the Monte Carlo time history for topological charge are acceptable for this set of quark masses at lattice spacings above 0.1 fm. We find that the Iwasaki gauge action is best, demonstrating the feasibility of using QCDOC to generate ensembles which are good representations of the QCD path integral on lattices of up to 3 fm in spatial extent with lattice spacings in the range 0.09-0.13 fm. Despite large residual masses and a limited number of sea quark mass values with which to perform chiral extrapolations, our results for light hadronic physics scale and agree with experimental measurements within our statistical uncertainties.
Experiment Numbers: other
Group: Scientific Computing
Document: pdf
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